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8:30 AM to 5:00 PM : السبت - الخميس

  • المملكة العربية السعودية ,سلطنة عُمان
  • تواصل معنا

    +966 11 4777187

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أكتوبر 18, 2021

Stacking machine 4 rows operation

– The high-performance stacking machines of SALTEK assure rational and efficient pita bread stacking mechanism. – State-of-the-art piece of equipment which stacks any number of loaves per pack depending on the bread diameter. – Flipping system that enables the baked surface of the pita bread is visible on both ends of the packed loaves (repositioning

أكتوبر 18, 2021

Stacking machine for 3 rows operation

– The high-performance stacking machines of SALTEK assure rational and efficient pita bread stacking mechanism. – State-of-the-art piece of equipment which stacks any number of loaves per pack depending on the bread diameter. – Flipping system that enables the baked surface of the pita bread is visible on both ends of the packed loaves (repositioning

أكتوبر 18, 2021

4&2 Rows 800mm Wide Line

A flexible model of Saltek’s industrial pita bread lines; this line is ideal to meet and cope with various production capacities in respect to the desired bread size.These lines are customized to fit within the available space. Our machines are a valuable asset, durable, and built to work with minimal maintenance. All our lines are

أكتوبر 18, 2021

3&2 Rows 1000mm Wide Line

A flexible model of Saltek’s industrial pita bread lines; this line is ideal to meet and cope with various production capacities in respect to the desired bread size.These lines are customized to fit within the available space. Our machines are a valuable asset, durable, and built to work with minimal maintenance. All our lines are

أكتوبر 18, 2021

3&2 Rows 800mm Wide Line

A flexible model of Saltek’s industrial pita bread lines; this line is ideal to meet and cope with various production capacities in respect to the desired bread size.These lines are customized to fit within the available space. Our machines are a valuable asset, durable, and built to work with minimal maintenance. All our lines are

أكتوبر 18, 2021

2 Rows 800mm Wide Line

The 2 rows line is the industrial model of Saltek’s automatic pita bread production lines. The production capacity per hour reaches up to 4000 loaves for bread size varying from 15cm up to 38cm. These lines are customized to fit within the available space. Our machines are a valuable asset, durable, and built to work

أكتوبر 18, 2021

Compact Single Row 400mm Wide Line

Saltek’s Compact Lines are your optimal choice for small to medium size bakeries, retail businesses, malls, restaurants, NGOs,etc… – Our compact lines are equipped with the basic and minimum safety, protection, and safety requirements. Moreover, the lines are CE CERTIFIED from European Union according to Directive 2006/42/EC on Safety of Machinery. In addition, in compliance